Saturday, November 20, 2010

More Scabby & the Ork super heavy tank

Here are some of the pics of stuff that i had done for the past 2 weeks:


Super Heavy Tank WIP for my Ork army:


Friday, October 29, 2010

Lazy again...

Arrrggghhh... I got lazy again...

Here are the pics for my Scabieathrax mod:


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Soul Grinder

Done with the painting of a Soul Grinder yesterday (half painted since months ago...). Since I'm on leave the entire week, I'm going to put more effort to finish a modding project.

Soul Grinder:

Scabeiathrax The Bloated WIP:


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Painted Grot Fighta

Finally, I've finished painting the Grot Fighta.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grot Tank & fat thing

Finally, I've finish my Grot Tank conversion:

Here is the huge project that I'm undertaking:


Monday, August 16, 2010

New work, new army

Its almost 2 months since my first post, I've been lazy.

But in that time I've finish some stuff which I can finally show, and of course start a new Warhammer 40,000 army: Orks.

Here is a prototype Grot Tank that I'm building, so that I'll not need to buy the super expensive Forge World ones. It may be time consuming, but the process is fun and I like the satisfaction after completion.

Of course this is not the only work I've done. Here is something that I built: Grot Fighta!

[Bottom of the Grot Fighta]

[View of cockpit]

[Grot pilot]

[Grot pilot]

[Grot Fighta on stand]

Here is another project that I'm going to embark on, for my Nurgle Daemon army.